Monday, August 27, 2012

FTB07: delayed 8.29.12

So, since the storm named Isaac is planning to visit town this Wednesday, let's say no class... we will resume on next Wed, Sept 5, covering the readings from last class (Liberia, etc... see last post) If missing class really gets your goat, join up at the New Orleans Community Print Shop's work day on Saturday at noon (each week, Thurs at 6 + Sat at noon). Its in a warehouse at 1201 Mazant.  They have done a rad job building out the space, and its a fun time with a killer crew of folks (plus they always have food + coldcold h20 +beer).

A new slum at Mourne L'Hopital, Haiti, comprised mainly of T-Shelters (temporary shelters) donated by NGOs.  Many Haitians are living without sufficient housing or infrastructure such as sewage or water. (photo from Haiti Grassroots Watch)

On the anniversary of Katrina, remember people who still haven't recovered from a disaster.  Folks still are displaced here in the US, unable to return to New Orleans for various reasons, much based around exclusionary changes to NOLA's built environment (rent increases, public housing demos, loss of housing, et al).  Isaac just swept through Haiti, where some report 500,000 people are still internally displaced.  President Martelly, along with Bill Clinton, recently put forward the 16/6 plan to close 6 internally displaced persons' camps and provide money for housing, for a small number of them.  Many criticize this as purely putting the problem of tent camps "out of site, out of mind."  The Institute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti recently surveyed many Haitians as to how well this 16/6 plan is working.